Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's been a very long time since I've blogged or made any stained glass. We have moved from New York to Chattanooga Tennessee during the past three years and have been going to college and getting situated. Somehow there just was not enough time to do my favorite thing, stained glass until now!

We have a cute little bungalow in the historic district of Chattanooga, nothing special but kind of funky! There's not much room to have a real studio space that would allow me to do large panels but there is enough space for me to work. So I've been busy lately and just last night finally, I opened an Etsy store.

Since we moved to Tennessee, we thought we had to have a hound dog, to kind of fit in..... so we got a darling puppy that was being sold out of a parking lot! 
He's a terror.... I always thought Basset Hounds were lethargic, boy, did I have that wrong! He's a little stubborn but so lovable. I imagine he'll grow up to be very spoiled because he just melts our hearts.

While getting settled here, I have done some mosaics. They are always fun because mosaic work is not as confining as stained glass. You are free to do anything you like and it's a great way to use glass remnants. I was hoping to get into mosaic outdoor furniture but there just is not enough room.... So I've been having fun making some funky, whimsical stained glass pieces.
My sister-in-law (might just as well be my sister, I love her so) had her 60th birthday, so I designed a goddess for her. Do you know about the goddess?

Beloved by many cultures, she has been called by countless names - Isis, Venus, Athena, Pele, Changing  Woman. Her titles included Queen of Heaven, Mistress of the Animals, Our Lady, Holy Mother and Mother of God. She was celebrated as Wheat, Rice, Sun, Moon and Morning Star. Spirals represent birth and rebirth, knowing and becoming. This Moon Goddess and the spiral forms represent the creative energy that directs and holds life together. She reminds us that all beings on this earth are connected.
The matriarchal goddess may well reflect the three stages of a woman's life:
§  The Maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, the promise of new beginnings, birth, youth and youthful enthusiasm, represented by the waxing moon.
§  The Mother represents ripeness, fertility, sexuality, fulfillment, stability, power and life represented by the full moon.
§  The Crone represents wisdom, repose, death, and endings represented by the waning moon.

Begin a powerful, healing journey with the Divine Feminine as you meet the Goddess in her many forms: Nurturing Mother, Fertile Life-Giver, Warrior Woman, Wise Woman, Magical Healer, Priestess, Maiden and Sensual Enchantress. 
In a very real and meaningful way, you will connect with the Goddess and her gifts of wisdom, healing, transformation, creativity and strength. What you discover will empower you in your daily life, inspire your creative work and support your spiritual path. She will help you to come to a deeper appreciation of yourself, your talents, and the unique attributes of women. The Goddess reflects our own creative power and shows us our own beauty. She gives healing, inspiration, strength and comfort.
The Goddess Within,
The Goddess speaks through all women.
Reconnect with your own inner Goddess.
Empower yourself spiritually, physically
and emotionally, and set yourself free!

In order to sharpen my skills, I made a Victorian window panel also, that is for sale in my Etsy store! It came out well, so I'm back to do my favorite thing and am happy to say, I've already made my first sale. Look for me on Etsy, I hope to really create a lot of new artwork.

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