Saturday, August 25, 2012

I often wish I could do more for the less fortunate but recently I was made aware of a fun and easy project that benefits children all over the world and it only cost me my time, as I quilt and have scraps of material left over. It was a wonderful use for remnants that pile up and was an outlet for being creative also, while benefiting others. I don't sew very well but these little pillowcase dresses for children living in poverty were easy enough for a novice like me to tackle. My friend's church made them as a community women's project and the turn out was incredible! She told me they hung the little dresses from the balcony in church on Sunday morning. These little dresses are sometimes the only new thing the child ever has, so sad. Their website Pillowcase Dresses for Children in Africa gives a pattern and directions where to send them, children here in Appalachia benefit also. For real ease you can make the dresses from bandanas also and avoid having to bind the seams! 

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