Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sister Raya's Painter's Market Place Honored me with this award. I'm doing the happy dance, it was so sweet!

Painters Market Place is pleased to announce Toni Rose (SuncatcherCreations on eBay) is the winner of the November Painters Marketplace - Marketing Champion Award. Toni qualifies for this award due to her exceptional efforts in marketing other artists who sell their artwork on eBay. Toni created a Squidoo Blog and invited many talented artist and artisans to showcase their work on her blog. Her Squidoo Blog went from a initial very low opening rating to a very high one in a short amount of time due to her work and perseverence. Toni is a prime example of how dedication and effort can increase the online exposure for artists, thus potentially increasing their online sales.

Toni joined Painters Marketplace as an art collector. She soon became inspired and energized to sell her own fabulous stained glass creations on eBay. When Toni started out on eBay she barely knew anything about computers much less selling online. Since this time, (about a year) Toni has become a successful eBay seller and learned much about online marketing. She went from being a standard member of Painters Marketplace to being a very savvy contributor. Way to go Toni!

See Toni's Stained Glass Artwork on eBay


Toni's AWESOME squidoo blog

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Check out my lens My Squidoo reached #2 most searched today, it was very rewarding!
Get it from CNET Download.com!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well it's been a busy but productive week. Got my squidoo up and running with great links to the best arts and crafts on Ebay. When first posted it had a ranking of 8400, it's at 189 right now and still a work in progress.
Be sure to visit, it's an ART BAZAAR!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I opened a Squidoo account today in order to promote my own work but to also promote some of the fine artisan crafts people on ebay and some of my favorite fine artists, there are still so many more to list.I'm hoping interior designers and people shopping for gifts will find it and use it as a resource for shopping for original works.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I opened an Artcad Gallery today, perhaps it will bring more views.

They build you your own banner, pretty cool, huh?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

As you know ebay's categories under self representing artists does not include fine crafts, which really bothers me as I feel all the fine artists would benefit also if the site offered unique gifts and home decor as well as paintings, which I believe people buy on whim and fancy. The fine crafts people are scattered throughout ebay, dolls in with antiques, stained glass in with dinner dishes and so much of what is interesting, innovative, creative and unique is lost to ebay and to the artists as well for lack of views, no one can find them! I've decided to find them for you and to categorize them the best I can. First will be all the handmade original art doll artists I've found, I'm sure there are many I haven't and I've asked a lot of art groups to help me.

The dolls created by these ebay artists are incredible, interesting and unique! What a wonderful gift for Christmas or a birthday, a real treasure and one of a kind heirloom from a loving grand parent. For an adult these dolls are delightful too! A feast for your eyes, enjoy!

You can see them here http://www.squidoo.com/suncatchercreations/