Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dazzling Beveled Glass Octahedron Orbs Dressed for the Holidays!

You can find them in my Etsy Shop, they make great gifts

30mm Balfour Iridescent Crystals inside a Beveled Prism

New This Season, Stained Glass Origami Cranes All Dressed Up

With Dichroic Glass and Handmade Murrini

The Christmas Season is Here!

There was a rush this year on my star tree toppers.I knew I hadn't developed Alzheimer's, when I designed my way of supporting the stars on a tree....

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Created another stained glass window panel this week, colorful and cheery kitchen decor!

Stained glass windows are never static. In the course of the day they are animated by changing light, their patterns wandering across the floor, inviting your thoughts to wander with them.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Halloween is coming   BUT I created this cob web with the idea of laughing at one's own dust! Nothing more boring to do! Recently listed on Etsy.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Angels and Candle Stick Holders

Summer is ending, the days are beautiful and the nights balmy. These recent pieces catch the last days of summer.

Monday, July 13, 2015

This Was Fun!

Hummingbird Suncatcher

The hummingbird symbolizes the enjoyment of life and lightness of being. Those who have the hummingbird as a totem are invited to enjoy the sweetness of life, lift up negativity wherever it creeps in and express love more fully in their daily endeavors. 


1998 Larry Gates

awake at dawn
darting through strands of mist
the flower-seeker
out of heaven
still glittering
the hummingbird

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Stained Glass Gustave Klimt's The Kiss  - finally completed, framed in copper and listed on Etsy for sale

The most incredibly beautiful glass, colors that are no longer produced, honey, orange,fuchsia, purple

I recently added these dragonflies to my store!

11 inches wide and hanging

Plant Stakes

Sunday, July 05, 2015

New Beveled Glass  Origami - Stained Glass Origami

Glass Star Tetrahedron or Merkaba

Bevels throw beautiful rays of dancing light around the room

Stained Glass Himmeli or Beveled Glass Mobile

Beveled Glass Mobile

Beveled Glass Merkabah

Stained Glass Octahedrons - Sacred Geometry

And Many New Stars In Various Sizes as Seen on ETSY

Recently I posted 4 new butterflies on Etsy

Monday, May 04, 2015

Mobile and Wind Chime

I was intending to make a mobile with these fish but couldn't figure out how to bend wire strong enough to hold them. So, they will sell separately and if anyone wants both they can use 2 hooks. The aqua fish was quite a feat! The clear iridescent is a wind chime also.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

This has nothing to do with glass but is too breathe taking not to post!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Klimt's After "THE KISS" in Stained Glass

Such a delight to make. The main glass in the man's gown was only made once a year by Uroboros for the Tiffany peacock lamp, so it was always rather rare. I loved it so I bought it years ago and saved it for something special. As it turned out Uroboros stopped producing this glass about 8 years ago! The rust background is hand poured antique glass, not often found any longer either. The circles ad purple in his gown are Bullseye glass and extremely expensive as the purple and fuschia are made with gold salts.

The piece still needs to be framed so I have not listed it yet. I'll enjoy having it awhile!

My Idea of Window Treatment!

For years I have loved windows with small squares around the perimeter of the clear glass. You don't see them often any more. I have wanted to make them but could never figure out how to adhere them. Now I have found a way to do it with double sided clear tape, permitting one to remove them later down the road. For those who want to permanently adhere them to the glass, Loctite has come out with a glass glue that cures in 15 seconds ( maybe a few more). In an age when curtains are no longer in vogue these fused glass squares of my design really jazz up a room, throwing beautiful colors around the room and they are beautiful from the inside at night as they are iridescent and the outside. They are now for sale in my Etsy store in an array of beautiful colors. The glasses I fused in these first sets are among the most beautiful and expensive, purple and pink being made with gold salts.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

More and still working on more......................................

Stained Glass Origami Horse By Suncatcher Creations sells on Etsy
Still at it!

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Reproduction of Matisse's Blue Nude

8 X 12 Fused Glass by Toni Rose at Suncatcher Creations, for sale on Etsy

The Goddess Artemis, Triple Moon, Diana, Selena, The Huntress

Fused Stained Glass Panel, black and white Tiffany glass measures 12 X 12 inches. It comes ready to hang with a chain.

 Beloved by many cultures, she has been called by countless names - Isis, Venus, Athena, Pele, Changing Woman. Her titles included Queen of Heaven, Mistress of the Animals, Our Lady, Holy Mother and Mother of God. She was celebrated as Wheat, Rice, Sun, Moon and Morning Star. Spirals represent birth and rebirth, knowing and becoming. This Moon Goddess and the spiral forms represent the creative energy that directs and holds life together. She reminds us that all beings on this earth are connected. The matriarchal goddess may well reflect the three stages of a woman's life:

  The Maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, the promise of new beginnings, birth, youth and youthful enthusiasm, represented by the waxing moon.
 The Mother represents ripeness, fertility, sexuality, fulfillment, stability, power and life represented by the full moon.
 The Crone represents wisdom, repose, death, and endings represented by the waning moon.

 Begin a powerful, healing journey with the Divine Feminine as you meet the Goddess in her many forms: Nurturing Mother, Fertile Life-Giver, Warrior Woman, Wise Woman, Magical Healer, Priestess, Maiden and Sensual Enchantress. In a very real and meaningful way, you will connect with the Goddess and her gifts of wisdom, healing, transformation, creativity and strength. What you discover will empower you in your daily life, inspire your creative work and support your spiritual path. She will help you to come to a deeper appreciation of yourself, your talents, and the unique attributes of women. The Goddess reflects our own creative power and shows us our own beauty. She gives healing, inspiration, strength and comfort. The Goddess Within, The Goddess speaks through all women. Reconnect with your own inner Goddess. Empower yourself spiritually, physically and emotionally, and set yourself free!

For Sale on Etsy