Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Origami Wedding???

Stained Glass Origami "Love Birds" the Peace Crane, symbol of fidelity, longevity, prosperity, being sold in my Etsy Store!

Origami Centerpiece for Bridal Table,
engagement or wedding gift

Monday, December 09, 2013

With the holiday season approaching it seems everyone is buying stars, so I've been very busy replacing those in my Etsy tore, thankfully!

I've also been putting together some origami peace cranes with dichroic on their wings....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Well, I've completed my "After Many Strong and Beautiful Women" the art by Kiki Suarez who graciously permitted me to do the piece in stained glass.
Foil completed and ready for soldering

Photos of completed piece!

foiling complete and piece ready for soldering

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Finished Cutting! Fingers are Sore, Nails Down to Nubs... Feels Good, after a little nail growth, onto foiling!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

One More Girl Left To Cut Out

Friday, November 08, 2013

The Girls Are Coming Along!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

A Work in Progress and Lovin' Every Minute!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

I've been having the best time!

  In Chattanooga, the summers are steamy hot and humid and the winters are pretty cold. My stained glass studio is in my house but grinding and sawing glass requires water that slashes all over with shards of glass, so I like to do that work outside, as it can get fairly messy. The weather really only leaves two seasons to do any serious work. During the off months I do small projects that I sell in my Etsy Store as small pieces don't require much time outside. This year I planned better and had my store stocked for Christmas by Halloween, so if I really focus I have the month of November to do the most challenging project that I've tackled to date.

Kiki Suarez is a prolific artist, whose work I love. Her imagination is wonderful, her art unique, fun, brilliant and bright. It brings cheer, what more can one ask for in art? She has been gracious enough to allow me to do a glass interpretation of her Many Strong and Beautiful Women. It was a project I had planned to do last year at this time but circumstances prevented it. Finally I'm able to work on it and I'm having a wonderful time! There is still so much to do but I've put in  full six days and gotten some of the most challenging parts done. There's much adjusting still needed and some of the women remining to be worked on are difficult but I do think I will get it all done by Christmas. Here's the beginning photos, which I'll update as work progresses.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

As I come across these treasures by glass artists, I have to post their delightful works for all to feast their eyes on. She's such a charmer!


Friday, October 25, 2013

I Love this Window. I have no idea who created it but I think it's gorgeous!

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

The hot lazy days of summer don't inspire me to move too much. In doing stained glass I like to grind the glass outside in order to avoid the mess from the splashing water. It's lovely in the garden in cooler weather but my Etsy store is running a little low; that's a good thing, so I ventured out and made 3 origami peace cranes.

Our family is soon to be blessed with the arrival of two more children. New life is always so exciting. I wanted to welcome the new additions with something handcrafted and unique so I made each a small quilt. I love quilting, it's very much like doing stained glass the lazy man's way!

Monday, May 27, 2013

                        I am adding dichroic jewelry pieces to my Etsy store!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013