Tuesday, December 23, 2014

So the Holidays Are Upon Us

2014 has been a year of mixed blessings and much sorrow. 

Last Christmas Eve, one of my dearest friends was decorating her church for services and fell down a flight of stairs, to the basement, head first. She broke her neck, both arms in three places each up by the shoulder, and cracked her head open causing brain swelling. She's an older woman, as I am. It was touch and go for awhile there and because of her broken neck the doctors could not pin her shoulders. She was in a head device, like an alien, for months unable to even scratch her own nose. Today, with the support of her wonderful family and friends, she is again enjoying her life with some limitations. Tomorrow she'll decorate the church for Christmas services. I admire her courage, stamina, patience and forbearance. She is a blessing to us all who love her. 

Another very old (long time) and dear friend passed after a short bout with lung cancer. Such a partier, so much humor and charm. A lady's man with the stride of nobility. It is with much affection that I will miss him and his exuberance. I raise my glass to you Dom, rest in peace.

Just a few days ago, my friend with Lou Gehrig's disease, lost her battle. That too has been a blessing as she had lost all mobility, the ability to eat and communicate. A prisoner trapped in her own body! A lovely, patient, kind and smiling lady. We will miss her. It is with some ambivalence that I am coming to terms with her death. For her suffering to end,I feel it was a blessing. For her loss of life at still a fairly young age and our loss of her in our lives, I feel very sad. It's difficult to be sad and angry that for her I must rejoice. I experienced that when my husband died also. Joy for his peace and rage that his peace took priority over my pain. Susan will always be cherished and remembered, God bless.

This picture was taken just one year ago.

The window I made for our friend will probably serve as a sad reminder for my friend's husband. I am hoping he will allow us to donate it to our family's church in remembrance of our family that has passed. The Reverend said she would put it in the Sunday school.

The holidays always bring about a sadness as I think of friends and family lost. I am grateful however for those that I love who are still apart of my life. They are the beauty in my life and what I cherish most. I hope that this coming New Year they remain healthy, happy and my friend.